Saturday, February 24, 2018

Retaking the LSAT.

Sorry for the super long hiatus! I got my LSAT score back from the September LSAT and my score was significantly lower than what my practice tests were. I could not believe it. I was obviously very upset and wondered if I should even go to law school? I thought maybe I'm not as smart or dedicated as I thought that I was.

During this time I was going through a lot. Last year I still lived with my parents and juggled school full-time, my volunteer job, and my full-time job. I got engaged last January and it was very draining trying to maintain friendships, school, a fiancé, work, and studying for the LSAT. In my opinion, it was more stressful trying to pick a time to hang out with my fiancé to just SEE him, since we did not live together. He was very busy too and juggling almost as many things as I was trying to juggle. If you have too many balls in the air, pretty soon they are all going to come down. 

When I received my LSAT score it was two points lower than my previous score. I honestly couldn't believe it. To say that I was devastated would be an understatement. I started questioning everything in my life and asking myself if this is what I really want to do? I did some soul searching and stopped looking at law school blogs, law school ideas on Pinterest, and law school forums. This was a change because I looked at something law school related pretty much every day. Some days I would burst out crying for no reason. I thought my life was over and that no law school would ever want me, because of my terrible LSAT score. My whole life I wanted to be an attorney and could not imagine having another career. I was devastated to think that maybe my life-long dream could not be possible. 

After some time away from the LSAT and law school related things, I started to really miss it. I really thought about it and knew that being an attorney is what I want to do with my life. I know that just because I received a horrible score on a test, isn't predictive of what a fabulous attorney I can be one day. Also, technically you can take the LSAT as many times as you want right now. I sucked it up and made peace with my score. I enrolled in a different test prep, Powerscore. I was originally signed up for the in-person class, but I got a call the day before the class started and was informed that there were not enough students enrolled in the in-person class, but the online class would be available. I was a little apprehensive about taking another online prep class because I took 7sage and that was totally online. I did a lot of research and it seemed that Powerscore was a really awesome class and if I took the online class it would pretty much be the same thing as the in-person class. Besides, I'm glad I took the online class because that means that I wouldn't have been stuck the downtown San Diego traffic👍👍
I took the online Powerscore class and it was awesome! It was a couple times a week for three hours. Powerscore sends their students textbooks that go along with the class and the lectures. The instructors in the class, Jeremy and Adam were awesome. They answered all my questions and it was pretty fun (I mean it's still the LSAT). I learned a lot of different techniques and rules and could not be happier with my experience. I still have access to the class until June and now I am going back over the material to really absorb what I learned. It also helped to have homework assigned after every lecture. I really enjoyed the practice test analysis that they used to help identify your weaknesses and what lesson you should spend more time going over. *Powerscore did not pay me to make these statements, these statements are 100% my own. I am not affiliated with Powerscore in any way.*

 I would definitely not recommend 7sage test prep. I, personally did have a great experience with it. I didn't really like how the instructor was a little condescending to the students and he seemed to have a holier than thou complex. If you got a question wrong, he would say things like, "this question was so simple, no one should have gotten this wrong". Obviously, I don't understand this concept or else I wouldn't be taking this course...duh. For myself, I prefer a lighter approach, especially when dealing with the LSAT. Powerscore has a lot more resources to help students reach their maximum score.  Obviously, this is just my opinion so if you disagree with what I said then that's ok!

I am signed up to take the LSAT in June. I can't believe that the LSAC added another test date this year- July. I think it is still too early to sign up for the July test. It seems like the new president is making a lot of changes. I'm so glad that the president is making all these changes. It didn't seem fair that before you could only take the LSAT twice in one year. I think I might sign up for the July LSAT as well. At this point I'm not sure what semester I am going to start law school, it just depends on my LSAT score. 👌 If there is a chance I can get a scholarship then I want to try and take advantage of that. 

I did graduate from college in December with my Bachelor's in psychology! I moved in with my fiancé and we are trying to plan our wedding. He's a full-time accounting student, so it's really hard to try and make time to plan our wedding. We plan to get married in June *yikes. It's coming up fast. 👰💋💑

The moral of the story: don't give up on your dreams- no matter what. 

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